It may be summer or global warming, but heat waves are upon us!! Your guests' comfort is important, from the elderly to the youngest guests you want to make sure people are comfortable. Here are my tips and tricks to beat the heat:

Fun in the Sun

(these few tips are great photo ops)

  • Provide paper Parasols to create shade for your guests

  • Double your ceremony programs to also be paper fans.

  • If you're more ceremony is more casual, bring in some small water pistols

  • Create mini cooling tents with chic seating area: you can rent mini portable AC units from Home Depot and put them in mini pop-up tent


  • Offer cold towels; to make them extra special, add some essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus

  • Provide deodorant in the bathrooms [whether it's hot or not, it's appreciated with all the dancing]

  • Misting station - you can also add essential oils to this!

Sweets and Treats

  • Set up a water station. Or jazz things up with a lemonade and iced tea station

  • Pass frozen fruit, such as grapes or watermelon

  • Boozy pops or boozy snow machines are a great way to cool down

  • Hire an ice cream truck or gelato vendor!

Making your guests [AND YOU] comfortable can also be memorable. 
